
I’m Jorge, a Y2K survivor. Here’s a little about me:

In 1985, I was born in Caracas, Venezuela.

In 1988, our family moved to Maturín, Venezuela.

In 1991, I took my first steps in computing. My parents enrolled me in an MS-DOS course. It was hard to pay attention, I just wanted to play OutRun.

In 1992, I discovered The Secret of Monkey Island, thanks to a friend’s dad who did have a computer and who had bought the game. That’s where my love for LucarArts began. Their games, especially The Monkey Island saga saga, Full Throttle and Grim Fandango, helped me develop my curiosity and problem-solving skills.

In 1993, my parents bought the first home computer with Win 3.1 which I shared with my brothers (leading to many discussions). I just wanted to play games and draw in Paint.

In 1994, my dad gave me a Discman and my first CD, which was the soundtrack of the movie Super Mario Bros (1993). I think this was my first introduction to rock music.

In 1996, my older brother returned home from a trip with two Nirvana albums: Bleach and In Utero. This was my first contact with grunge, a subculture I still a follow.

In 1998, I connected to the internet for the first time after my brothers and I convinced our parents to get a dial-up internet connection plan. The sound of dial-up is something I can never forget

In 2000, my dad offered to buy me a guitar if I stopped skating. He was afraid I would seriously hurt. It was a difficult decision, but I ended up accepting. I remember it was the cheapest guitar in the store.

In 2001, with my brothers, some friends, and I formed Corrosión, a nu metal band. We were on radio, TV and performed live shows, sharing stages with bands like Liqüet and Despuesdevieja (DDV).

In 2004, I used Linux for the first time and also started programming with Java. Both in college. This experience later guided me professionally when I graduated.

In 2005, with members of Corrosión, I formed Alma Mantra, an experimental rock band. We performed live only twice.

In 2007, I got my first job as a programmer at XP Consultores, a company that made websites.

In 2008, I joined the OpenSolaris community, becoming co-leader of the VOSUG (Venezuela OpenSolaris User Group).

In 2009, with my younger brother, some friends, and I created Pragmatic, a technology services company.

In 2014, I did some important things that are somehow related to each other: I married Daniela, we moved to Montevideo, Uruguay and I started a new job at Pyxis.

In 2015, I attended a Pearl Jam show for the first and only time (for now) in La Plata, Argentina. It was very exciting for me to see my favorite band live.

In 2016, I co-founded Guayoyo, a cybersecurity boutique firm. This same year, Daniela and I decided to adopt Tito, my first dog.

In 2023, we moved to Ciudad de la Costa, Uruguay.


the signals are strong tonight

i have no special talents. i am only passionately curious